How Do Ski Jumpers Fall Huge Distances Without Breaking Their Legs?

Consider dropping from the tallness of a moderate sized building onto hard, stuffed snow. What might happen to your legs? Regardless of whether you endure, the bones in your legs most likely wouldn’t. So for what reason doesn’t that happen to ski jumpers or, considerably more incredibly, free-form skiers amid the “aerials” occasion? Here’s the […]

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What Does Chlorine Really Do to Your Body?

Envision a late spring breeze. What smells are floating in the breeze? It could be the salty smell of the sea, a burger sizzling on the barbecue or, in case you’re poolside, the concoction stench of chlorine. Envision a late spring breeze. What smells are floating in the breeze? It could be the salty smell […]

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